Monday, August 14, 2017

Meteor landed in back garden - Appling, Georgia USA

Jay Sullivent heard a loud bang at home in Appling, Georgia, USA.

He went running outside to what he thought would be a car crash.

But he was unable to find anything.

He then walked around his property and stumbled upon a burnt circle of grass with smoke rising from it.

In the middle was a flame with a pink rock.

Jay exclaimed: "It's a damn meteorite".

He flicked the hot object out of the hole with a penknife.

Jay said: "It was so loud that I thought there had been a car accident on the road in front of my house.

"When I got over to the crater, it was around 15 inches deep and about the same across.

"The rock in the middle was glowing red."

NEWS Link:

meteor, back garden, hot, flaming, fire, space, outer space, lands, landed, garden, burning, crater, grass, back yard, jay sullivent, meteorite, pink rock, appling, georgia, usa,

meteor, back garden, hot, flaming, fire, space, outer space, lands, landed, garden, burning, crater, grass, back yard, jay sullivent, meteorite, pink rock, appling, georgia, usa,

meteor, back garden, hot, flaming, fire, space, outer space, lands, landed, garden, burning, crater, grass, back yard, jay sullivent, meteorite, pink rock, appling, georgia, usa,

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